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Published Work:
1. Read the River: A Novel
2. YouTube guided meditation: River Journey: A Guided Imagery Experience   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wLbXB8SJeo
3. Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYSmxDnf5sk

While earning her masters degree in counseling psychology, Vitale specialized in metaphorical writings and the art of story telling. Readers will find themselves on journeys to extraordinary worlds and to experiences that bend time and matter. She writes for adult readers of diverse belief systems, ages and cultures who enjoy fantasy worlds that overlap with the real world, epic journeys, and historical fiction with an international spin. 

Read the River: An Novel.

A legendary river surges and twists through an ancient redwood forest. Villa Antonio is the mysterious estate guarding the river's entrance. It's curious that its cornerstone shows the year: 1532, and holds the same Celtic spiral design chiseled into an Irish tomb five thousand years ago. Three sages oversee the property: a child, her grandfather, and their timeless Chinese ancestor born over a century before. Legend says the river changes lives. To some, it brings healing, but to others it can transform into a formidable force that sweeps travelers into darkness and into a vast unknown.

A favorite among book clubs. Ginny says it's time for you to take your river journey.